Saturday, February 12, 2011

EGYPT - Day 5

As you can see by the clock, we were already in a van to the airport at 3:25am, meaning we were up at 2:30am!! Flew from Aswan to the magnificent temple, ABU SIMBEL. Definitely worth the early morning.

The temple at sunrise...

Again, internet photos because no pictures in the temple (to preserve the colors from all the idiots that don't know how to turn off their flash)

The main temple for Rameses II

The temple Rameses II built for his favorite (he had like 50) wife, Nefertari

Don't piss off this guy!

Grant's artwork on the breakfast bags

We had alternate egos on the way home, Grant was Mary Margaret and I was Marian J
The camera man perving on the sunbathing women

Call to prayer

Passing Sobek temple on the way back up to Luxor

It's miller time!

Egyptian night!

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