Sunday, February 6, 2011

EGYPT - Day 3

Starting the day off with a trip to Kom Ombo temple, lots of crocodiles in this area so the main god of this temple is Sobek, the god of crocodiles.
I guess when the excavated this place they found a bunch of mummified crocodiles. We didn't see them since they are making a crocodile museum just outside the temple and it isn't open yet. I didn't even know they mummified crocs, so I was obviously disapointed that I didn't get to see me some.

These are surgical instruments.

This is to show some of the remains of the beautiful colors it would have been painted!!
It's crazy to think that when all these temples were originally completed they were painted top to bottom with detail in super rich colours.

An egyptian Cartouche

Grant is making an offering to Sobek.

I didn't even know I was taking a picture of Laura in this shot since she was blending so well with the wall. It was only after that I noticed.

Can I get me some slave fingers for lunch?

Now time for some relaxing on the sun deck...

Some Nile scenes...

Afternoon boat ride around Aswan

Some of the cruise boats docked up

Glad that wasn't us...

You just can't escape it

The hotel where Agatha Christie wrote Death on the Nile

My cabana boy...

Nubian night

Right before...

...and right after Grant grabbed this crazy Nubian Rick James' butt!
This was the wierdest shit ever! This dude was doing some kind of tribal shouting challenge with everyone he pulled out of the audience and I knew he was going to go for some kind of gay angle with me to make me uncomfortable, so when he started caressing me like in the picture above, I just reached around and grabbed his ass. I've never seen a face make the freaked out expression his did when I did this. I was promptly sent back to the line. Let's see who's uncomfortable now!

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