Friday, February 11, 2011

EGYPT - Day 4

Big day out in Aswan

This was a visit to the site of an unfinished obelisk that Queen Hatshepsut commissioned. It had to be abandoned because there were cracks in it. But that made it cool to see how they were made.

All the rock around this area is Granite.

This is a shadow of a very nice young couple.

I felt very secure, this guard takes his job seriously.

Next, trip to Aswan dam, in front of Lake Nasser

This is a huge commemorative structure near the dam built to honor the relationship between the Russians (who helped build the dam) and the Egyptians.

Philae Temple, which is on an island.

This is the fertility god, pictured a lot with a big erection, and 1 arm and 1 leg. This is because when all the men went off to war, he was supposed to protect the women, but when the men came home, they were all pregnant! So he was punished by having a leg and arm cut off...

When the Christians inhabited these temples, one of them didn't like this scene of the king suckling from Hathor's teat, so he destroyed the face.

Souvenir stop - Al Fayed Assence of Life (That's not my typo, that's what it was called)
We got suckered into buying some essential aromatherapy oils, but I have been enjoying them immensely!!
The shot below is my "National Geopraphic" shot of the perfume shelf with a woman working in the back reflection. (That also is not a typo, yes we saw a woman working in Egypt.)

Leggo my hand Sobek!!

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