Saturday, April 24, 2010

London I

Jumped on a train early Friday morning and we're in London by 10am! Visiting Mark, Krista's old roommate at Krista's old London Flat.

First stop was Belgo, for some Belgian food and beer

I spent the day wandering around and shopping and Grant hung out with Mark and checked out Borough market

Met up with Rhea, an old friend of Grant's from way back when who lives in London. Here having a nice glass of port outside Gordon's wine bar.

Then we met up with another old friend of Grant's from High school, Stephan, who happened to be visiting London then also from Istanbul!

Late night Pizza at the very first Pizza Express

More shopping

??? Rapunzel?

The London Underground!

An awesome Sushi Restaurant, mmm, I miss good sushi!

Avenue Q!! Dirty puppets!

The Natural History Museum, Grant's favourite

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Strolling along the Thames

Under Millennium Bridge

Tower Bridge

The Tate Modern

Back to Drinking Port at Gordon's wine bar


The Duke of Argyll

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