Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ireland 1: Liverpool-Dublin-Galway

Day 1: Liverpool to Dublin on the Ferry, 8 hours

Where's Grant?

Passing Crosby Beach (these are just statues)

Don't just toss the life line, you have to really put some effort in and scream when you do it!

Arriving at Dublin Port!

Just passing through...

Drove straight from Dublin to Galway, coast to coast in 2 hours!

But the SatNav told me to do it!!
(there was a new motorway from Dublin to Galway and the SatNav couldn't figure out where we were, we think it short circuited and then just started giving evil orders!!!)

The first taste of Irish Guinness in Galway! MMMMMmmm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Continue to Kill! That satnav is very evil.
