Sunday, June 21, 2009

Now thats a Monument! William Wallace monument near Stirling, Scotland.
The hill was proving too much for poor Bingy.


Massage Therapy used to be a sometimes lethal therapy. I bet this therapist liked to use an olive oil rub with a dash of salt.

Check out the view!

The view on top of the Wallace Monument is too cool for school. Too bad this attractive couple are blocking it.

Oh wait, there's the view.

This is atop the monument.

"Nice Shirt!"
"Yeah, nice face!"

"I'll TW*T you, you wee git"
"Eat the toilet jerkstore"
This is our view falling off the tower.

William Wallace's sword is taller than Laura

Letourneu 1: Winter 0
The monument from afar
These are some lovely tapestries in Stirling Castle. The unicorn is supposed to represent someone famous. I'll give you a hint......... his name rhymes with Jebus.

These are the Mascots of Stirling Castle Leo and Uni, you can get hugs and your picture taken with the actors in the plush suits at the castle gate. Awesome!

Me and my medieval friend here are reprimanding this little medieval Ralph Wiggum freak.
After Denny and myself travelled back in time in our phonebooth Denny got a job in the kitchen.................................................
..........and made a friend.
Letourneu 1: Winter 1
Me thinks me sees a medieval babe.
Time to raid the armoury.

There is a great little Italian place in Edinburgh called "Bar Napoli" with genuine Italians working there and everything. Pretty impressive desserts too.

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