Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day Trip to Leeds

Back to rainy ol' England... Decided to check out Leeds on a Sunday as it's only 1 hour away and we'd never been.

Leeds has beautiful shopping arcades.
Leeds Kung Fu Kick!!!

The Leeds Royal Armouries Museum

Your perfect all-in-one weapon, combination six shot revolver, knife, and knuckle-duster!!

This little baby gun was the size of my finger!!So many weapons...
This is what war and weapons will be like in the future...
Was this armour for kids or dwarfs??
Henry the VIII meets Terminator

Now, is this not the coolest helmet ever!!? Although, it may throw your balance off...
I guess they really like to drink in Leeds, this beer is bigger than my head!!A taste of home, Grant got a Sleemans
Thumbs down to Leeds, it soured us as we got drenched on the walk back to our car at the end of the day, and then had to pay £14 for parking!!!

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