Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Candice and Denny's Visit

This is Denny and Candice's first day in the country. I am a dick and dragged their jetlagged butts to Keswick in the lake district. This nice little pic doesn't fully demonstrate how stupidly tired they are.
This could be a stock photo. Keyword search: "Happy Couple"

Fast forward 3 days now. EDINBURGH!!

This is a picture of 1 light haired person and 3 dark haired people about to eat food at a mussel restaurant.
Our bellies are swollen with shellfish.
This Lion is a Mo
We don't play any other way

The architecture in Edinburgh is just too cool, and better yet we got to appreciate it in the sunlight in 25 degree heat. (Note to those who have not been: These kind of weather conditions in Edinburgh are freakish and rare.)

It was almost Utopian. Edinburgh is the best, put it on the list.

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