Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bonfire Night a.k.a Guy Fawkes Night

A little history lesson...
Remember, remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder, treason and plot
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

Guy Fawkes was in charge of executing the Gunpowder Plot, a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament with King James I and the protestant aristocracy inside. The plot was foiled and he was caught, hung, drawn and quartered.
They used to celebrate Guy Fawkes day by little kids making an effigy of Guy Fawkes and sitting on the street saying 'penny for the guy?' and then would burn the effigy on November 5th. This is a little politically incorrect these days, so now they call it bonfire night and set off fireworks in the backyard. Bigger cities also have a big fireworks display.

Another tidbit of info, if you are a vet, be prepared for people coming in on or a day before, demanding you give them a tranquilizer for their dog because they freak out from the noise, and get very angry and yell at you when you say, 'I can't prescribe a tranquilizer with out seeing your dog and have you pay for an exam fee.'

We went to the fireworks display in Sefton Park, 2 minute down the road.

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