Sunday, November 30, 2008


Documentation of the move from Buckshaw to Liverpool

Packing up 23 Durham Drive...

My 'I'm not having fun packing' face

Loading the rental van...
Pretty much all cleared out and spotless

Grant driving the van (a 'white van man', meaning a man who drives a white van, it's a term here...seriously)

Uloading the third and final trip...
Grant doing some skillful manouvering of the 5 million tonne chiropractic table

Unloading everything in the new place (tv box in the bathroom)
Bike in the living room...
Et, voila! The new place!
The office area
The spare room where we keep all the junk


Anonymous said...

Hey! Nice bathroom!! I guess I see now why you aren't so excited about moving again right away! - Bridget

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! Should I plan to visit in 2010?? How much time do you need to make that spare room acceptable to my oh so high standards??