Thursday, November 27, 2008

Miguel's Visit

After being our drinking buddy in Munich, Miguel flew over to join us in England for a few days. When we went to pick him up at the airport, there was an overhead message

'would the party picking up Miguel Ricardo please come to the information desk'.

Then I proceeded to speak to an imigration officer on the phone, vouching for Miguel and hoping they'd let this shady looking character into the country, luckily they caved and let him in.
We had an awesome day at Alton Towers, England's major amusement park. It was a wednesday in October, so very few kids and we walked onto every ride! Best Alton Towers day ever!! And the weather was perfect too.

Me, very excited to be there!

We also did a night out in Liverpool to show Miguel our favorite spots.
3345, one of Grant's Favorite bars

A spontaneous brass band playing on Mathew Street

Dancing it up at the 80's Bar - I have Irnbru tongue

1 comment:

jordan said...

ha...the picture of him dancing with grant makes me think of conrad. so funny. so serious about the move he's busting...