Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ben Nevis

Saturday, the day we planned to tackle Ben Nevis! Now remember this is the picture from the day before...

This is the same view from the morning we went up the mountain, notice how you can't even see Ben Nevis, and can just make out the mountain in front of it!!??

Action Jack!

at the base, about to start our ascent

Although it was a bit wet we had a nice view at the start of the hike

More of Action Jack, looking cool
The fog/mist is starting to take over

The waterfall

Couldn't see much more ahead than this

Starting to see snow, we must be getting close to the top!!

At this point it was so cold and wet and we were trudging up hills ankle deep in snow, I was about ready to give up because I had no idea how much further it was to the summit [it was about 10min] but a stop for some sugary candy made it possible to finish those last few steps

Be careful, we're not too far from the edge!!

And we've reached the top! Yeah, in 3h 20min!

Can you tell I'm smiling but not really that happy? Very cold once you stop moving and realise how much you've been sweating on the way up

The old observatory/weather station

Starting the very wet climb down...

Then all of a sudden, oh my goodness! The clouds started to lift! and the view! Couldn't believe this is what we were missing on the way up!

Action Jack, taking a stop to enjoy the view

This picture is taken at the same spot on the way down as the below picture
Quite a difference from the way up to the way down!!

Needless to say, the descent was much more enjoyable...

I think if I could have seen this on the way up, it would've been a lot more daunting...

Some rogue sheep

We made it to the bottom! And low and behold, there's a pub!!
It was like a dream...
Ahhh, the reward...
You may not be able to appreciate how giagantic my hands are in the photo, the change in altitude made my hands swell and they were like sausage fingers and looked massive!!

Back into Fort William for our second reward...

Dinner at the awesome floating seafood restaurant, the Crannog!

What a view...

And the sun sets on the Ben, we conquored you!!!

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