Thursday, November 11, 2010

Laura & Grant's Geriatric Date

Just one picture from this day. I decided we needed to get out more in Preston so I took Grant on a date. I got us tickets to a play downtown called 'Dreamboats and Petticoats' and decided to go to the matinee because it was cheaper. So, this show is all about the oldies rock n' roll from the fifties and sixties, plus it was the matinee. So, you can imagine the demographic was quite old, about 60-80 years. I've never seen so many wheelchairs...we kind of stood out.
Then, I made us reservations at a tapas restaurant that is really good and really busy, so, we ended up eating at like 6 o'clock with all the early birdies, again, bit older demographic. A lot of Sangria and I think I was in bed by 9pm. Definitely getting old....

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