Thursday, September 3, 2009

Edinburgh V

We drove to Glasgow for the World Pipe Band Championships! The reigning champions were Canadian, from SFU.

The Edinburgh Military Tatoo. The show was so impressive!! Some of the worlds best military and pipe bands. If you ever get the chance, it's worth it!
The beautiful setting of Edinburgh Castle.

AHHHH, it's attack of the clans!!!!

This was an Asian Group

This group was Swiss and they were fantastic!!
Some Highland Dancing! Some of them had purple dance shoes!!!!
The were dancing with this devil piper, so there was some kind of story...we weren't quite sure though...
This was the Top Secret Swiss drum band, they were amazing!!
You can't really see it but their drum stick were literally on fire!!

Before we headed back to Preston we stopped at the little town of South Queensferry.

Nice picture of the folks.

Who is this weird man hiding in the bushes taking pictures??!!

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