Sunday, November 30, 2008


Documentation of the move from Buckshaw to Liverpool

Packing up 23 Durham Drive...

My 'I'm not having fun packing' face

Loading the rental van...
Pretty much all cleared out and spotless

Grant driving the van (a 'white van man', meaning a man who drives a white van, it's a term here...seriously)

Uloading the third and final trip...
Grant doing some skillful manouvering of the 5 million tonne chiropractic table

Unloading everything in the new place (tv box in the bathroom)
Bike in the living room...
Et, voila! The new place!
The office area
The spare room where we keep all the junk

London - Part II

My appointment with the RCVS wasn't until 11am so I wandered around the parliment buildings and the Thames.

Autumn is definitely here...

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons at Belgravia House on Horseferry road

Got lunch at Pret a Manger again and ate it on the banks of the Thames river
Then I spent the afternoon wandering around the British Museum

Egyptian kitty


The Elgin Marbles

A very creapy huge lifelike sculpture

I noticed the nude sculptures from India had the nicest boobs

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Laura's Trip to London

My application to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons was approved, but in order to become registered I had to go down to London to show my degree and sign the registry. So I decided to take the train down the day before the appointment and make a little trip out of it. I ended up sitting next to a delightful old man on the train who really wouldn't stop chatting with me despite the fact that I was reading. Once he found out I was a vet he told me all about his dog who had a kidney removed and asked me a lot of questions about dog kidneys. He was very sweet.

I treated myself to lunch at my favorite sandwich place, Pret a manger and ate lunch on the steps at Trafalgar Square.

Then I wandered throught the National Gallary before heading to my hostel for a nap.

After my nap I went to chinatown for some sushi.

It was the strangest place, fast food sushi that each peice was individually wraped in clear plastic!! And so you just bought by the piece, about 75p per piece.

I saw the play 'Wicked' and it was fantastic!