Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Welcome to our blog! We hope you enjoy the pictures and blurbs we share with the goal of making you feel like you're here with us.

This first post is to explain the name of our blog, 'cheeky vimto'.

Vimto is a popular English drink, which is a dark purple syrup or cordial, that is mixed with water to make a tastey, sugary,black current-fruity drink. Grant's old roomate Zai drank unhealthy amounts of it, and got us both hooked. And as Zai is Muslim and doesn't drink, Grant would often bring a bottle of Vimto to his parties in liu of alcohol.

So, what is a cheeky vimto? This is a delicious (and dangerous) alcoholic beverage which tastes just like vimto, but miraculously, does not contain it. We have recently become privy to the recipe, and if you'd like to try one, you'll have to come visit us in Liverpool.

Sharing a pitcher at one of our favorite spots in Liverpool, 'the Jacaranda'!

(Caution: if you are in Scotland, it's called a 'crazy vimto'.)


Anonymous said...

What?! You're not going to share the recipe?! Lame. Looking forward to trying when we come and visit!
Love BGB

Laura said...

No we are not going to share the recipe so you HAVE to come visit us to try it! It doesn't matter anyways, you don't have one of the main ingredients in Canada.

LilyPad15 said...

Laura! I love the blog...keep it up! I miss you :( I can't wait till I can come and visit you and Grant....not sure when that will be but it WILL happen!!!
Love you both,

jordan said...

i'm SO coming to visit just to taste this stuff. and because i love you guys of course. i was just thinking, halloween and st patrick's are NOT going to be the same without you!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Oz! Enjoyed reading about your adventures in Munich! What a blast Oktoberfest must be...it is on our "bucket list". Dad and I are enjoying Australia and are happy to read about your adventures on your blog!
Mom and Dad

Krista & Andrew said...

send me the bloody recipe stat! I seem to recall there are different versions...

Anonymous said...

the recipe for cheeky vimto is.....Blue WKD and Ruby port!
Put plenty of ice in and enjoy!