Friday, October 31, 2008

Munich - DAY 5

Last day in Munchen!

It was a beautiful and sunny day. We had lunch at Englisher Garten again, and then headed to the BMW museum/showroom. (Didn't spend the 12 euros to go in though.) Then we walked around the olympic park and went up the tower for the beautiful view. We spent the rest of the day wandering around Marienplatz and Karlsplatz until it was time to get back to the airport and take a flight back to England with some annoying drunk Brits.

BMW Buildings

Looking out at the Olympic park from the tower


Waiting for the train out to the airport, bye Munchen!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog! That sounds like my kind of celebration:)Keep the crazy stories coming!!

Anonymous said...

MORE MORE MORE! Please. More blog please.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like you had an ok time in Germany, I guess. But for a REALLY fun time, might I suggest Dauphin, MB for your next vacation destination?
(Just so you know Laura, I read EVERY SINGLE ENTRY).
Let me know when I should expect you here. I'll put a mint on your pillow.