Friday, October 31, 2008

Munich - DAY 5

Last day in Munchen!

It was a beautiful and sunny day. We had lunch at Englisher Garten again, and then headed to the BMW museum/showroom. (Didn't spend the 12 euros to go in though.) Then we walked around the olympic park and went up the tower for the beautiful view. We spent the rest of the day wandering around Marienplatz and Karlsplatz until it was time to get back to the airport and take a flight back to England with some annoying drunk Brits.

BMW Buildings

Looking out at the Olympic park from the tower


Waiting for the train out to the airport, bye Munchen!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Munich - DAY 4

Major Oktoberfest Day!

It was the last Saturday of Oktoberfest, so we had to get down to the grounds by 8:30 am to join the masses of people waiting outside to get in. We chose the Lowenbrau tent (the Lion one) and when the Lion roared at 9am the doors opened and we got crushed through the doors. Seriously, I thought my ribs were going to snap and punture my lungs! All that and all the tables were taken already! So, I went to ask if we could sit with some people and the bar maid stopped me and asked what I was doing, I said I was going to ask if I could sit at that table, she looked me up and down and then said, ok, you sit there and then made the people shift around to fit us, sooooo lucky! It pays to dress like a Bavarian.

It was an AWESOME day of drinking delicious beer and eating weisswurst and pretzles and singing songs and dancing on the benches with the Germans at our table. Then we left the tent at 4pm to meet Jayanti at the Hofbrau tent to get us in the back door again and continued the eating and drinking until about 9pm to make it a full 12 hours! So much fun.

A glimps of the mass of people waiting to get in. (See the lion, he roars and drinks his beer every hour!!!)

The awesome band, played a mix of German oom papa music and other German songs, and English songs

Miguel and the German guy doing a strange double hand clapping dance

'Ein prosit, ein prosit der Germutlich-keit! Ein prosit, ein pro-o-osit, der Germut-lich-keit!!'

Miguel with German Denny

Trying to show how my glass chiped after too many prosts!

Back at Hofbrau with Jayanti

Not sure if Grant is happy or sad...

Oooh, ahhh...Oktoberfest!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Munich - DAY 3

We started off the day by heading down to Oktoberfest around 10am to have some breakfast/lunch and a beer in a tent, not realizing Friday was a holiday and EVERYONE was down at Oktoberfest, so all the tents were full and closed by 10am. So, we thought we'd sit and have a beer and some food in a beer garden, even though it was a bit rainy. After we order our beers, it really starts to pour, so we sat there getting wetter and wetter, with big rain drops falling in our beers, it was pretty miserable. So we headed back to dry off and change clothes and then headed to the Deutches Museum (of course it has stopped raining by this point). After that we had lunch of Schweinshaxn (pork knuckle) and Obatzda (a camembert cheeze spread Bavarian speciality) and spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around central Munich enjoying the architecture and gardens (as it was a holiday, and all the shops were closed). Early night for us.

Check out all the umbrellas!

Grant experimenting with colors in the subway

The Deutches Museum

This is a crazy ride outside the Deutches Museum

Grant and Miguel, rockin out

Munich was so beautiful in the fall, with all the big, beautiful trees changing

More experimenting with colour

New town hall, with the glockenspiel