Thursday, September 9, 2010

Belfast 1

August Long Weekend. 3 Days in Northern Ireland.

On the bus into town from the airport. I made my self a 'sneeze key' with the mints I bought at the airport.

Our bus ride was held up a few minutes by a little marching band parade. Check out crazy arms in the video at the end of this post!!

Some nice buildings in the city centre.

One of the nicest Tesco's I've seen...

SUSHI!!!! We don't get much of it in NW England

Grant ate something spicey!

I've never had sushi on a sushi belt before!!

Some nice buildings in the trendy neighbourhood we stayed in.

Hotel we stayed in. Awesome breakfast! The Breakfast guy had been to Western Canada and had a funny story about going to Saskatoon and some people asking him if they were Newfies!

A very cool, old, ornate pub.

Mommy and Baby Guinness.

Some good traditional music in a cool pub.

Grant at the Thai Restaurant.

Check out the guy on the big drum in the center, he's going to throw his joints out of their sockets!!

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