Friday, June 18, 2010

Amsterdam V - Bols instead of Van Gogh

So, we waited in line outside the Van Gogh museum [in the pouring rain] for an hour before realizing it would be another hour before we got in. Then noticed the Bols liquor 'museum' across the street, so we did that instead.

Sometimes Grant has the best morning hair!

Doing a flavour taste test.

Smell tests

Back lit hair

At the end you come out into a cocktail bar and can order a fancy cocktail. Then they give you two more shots to try.

I ordered the cocktail that came with a stick of chocolate!

We did do some culture there, we went to the Rijksmuseum.

Waiting in the rain...

These tiles were a bit naughty.

Some cheeky bugger altering the signs in our cabin on the boat home.

Home again, with all our treasures!!

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