Saturday, October 3, 2009

Keswick - the Lake District

Yes, who knew Pencils could be so exciting that there would be whole museum dedicated to them!!! And can you believe we didn't pay the £3.25 to go in and see all the wonderful pencils???

Keswick is also home the the Bond Museum, just opened! Again, we weren't willing to pay £6 to go in, but got a good look from the outside.
The resemblance is uncanny!

Big smiles after finishing some Greasy (but delicious) Fush n' Chups from our favorite Chippie, the Keswickian
I know, we're so predicable, we take all our guests to the Lakes, but look how beautiful it is!! Even when the weather's not great (which is about 90% of the time)

The girl in the bubble. She's getting ready to stand...
...oooh, she wiped out!! It was pretty fun to watch, not sure how much fun it was for her. I guess that's how hamsters feel...

Christmas card photo!!

We are so exciting, we make our guests sit on the couch and watch movies with us. Look at that fat lazy cat laying on his back!!

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