Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bell Towers and Churches

Got an extra hour of site seeing in with the time change!

The title of this video is "It's Loud!"

View from the top of the bell tower!

This little monkey lived across the street from our hotel.

This was not the view from our hotel.

This is inside the Bell Tower.

This is the church with the holy blood aka Jesus' blood. They wouldn't let us take pictures of it. We actually couldn't see it, it was behine a monument.

MMMMMMMMMM. Frites with mayo!
One of the only Michaelangelo sculptures outside of Italy

Bruges by night

Drinks, then dinner, then more drinks.

And as the appetizer..... Frog's legs.

And mussels for the main.

Got my pincers!

Strike a pose!

mmmmmmm, Delirium Tremens.

Markt by night...

In Bruges...

On the bus from Zebrugge port into Bruges on Saturday Morning.
Look at me, I'm the bus driver!

Bruges in the autumn...what a shithole!

Even on a rainy day it's still beautiful!

This is where chocolate milk comes from!

I don't even want to think about what comes from here!

Heaven...I'm in Heaven!! This is the Bottle Shop. Yes, we did make some purchases.
The Beer Wall


The Bell Tower
Allo, little french girl!
The Canals

so pretty...

I love these guys.

Our hotel, great location and a lot of 'character;