Friday, August 28, 2009


The trip up from Preston to Edinburgh. We stopped in the Lake District and joined the many Da Vinci Code fans at Rosslyn Chapel.

This is a cool rest stop built into the side of the hill. Mom and Dad in front of Lake Derwentwater, in Keswick. Our favorite place to stop and have Fish n' Chips

I love it when stupid kids get in the frame!

Rosslyn Chapel. This place is nuts.

Here we are walking the catwalks under the canopy that has been erected over the Chapel to dry out the damp.
Who's that cool couple?

'BEST WISHES!!!' ...(it's an inside joke)

This is a sweet kick.

This one is good too, and did some damage to the grave stone of a Knight Templar.
I was pretty proud of my act of vandalism.

We had to take Mom and Dad to our favorite restaurant in Edinburgh (where we take everyone...)
The Mussel Inn

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