Saturday, May 30, 2009


Bye Maui!! When you say bye-bye to Maui surreal things happen to your face.
Hello California!!
This is the view of Space mountain from our hotel!! We stayed at Tropicana Inn, not to be confused with Club Tropicana, because sadly the drinks were not free.Across the street from Disneyland!!!
Honeymoon ears
Spot the tourists.
Frozen banana! Albino Apes love fruxen bambambams.

"Not even a stale $4 frozen Mickey head is gonna ruin this day!"

Couple of Limeys enjoying a nice spot of teacups.

This is a great picture of my dad. Can you spot him?

Seeing as it was the 5th of may (Cinco de Mayo) , we decided to go for some amazing mexican food and tequilla!! Tequila is tasty.

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