Sunday, February 15, 2009

From Detox to Retox...

At the start of the new year, Grant and I decided to a detox/cleanse to get back into shape. Not as strict as some, but only fruit and vegetables for 10 days. Probably not surprising, but there were no interesting pictures taken at this time, unless you find us grumpy, and hungry on the couch interesting. So, to celebrate the end of the detox, we bought a deep-fryer! Then reclogged our bodies with delicous chicken wings (best we've EVER had!), chicken strips, deep-fried pickles, deep fried cheese and golden delicious potato wedges!! And washed it all down with a nice cold beer!

Tommy likey, Tommy want wingey!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys would fit right in in can get everything here fried!!!