Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pendle Witches

October 30th (not quite Halloween but close enough) we took the 'Pendle Witch Experience' tour. Some may have heard of the Pendle Witch Trials or the Lancashire Witches back in the early 17th century. The witch trial were well documented and those accused lived around Pendle hill, near Burnley, about 30min from where we live.
We happened to have a nice sunny warm day and the countryside around here is beautiful so it was well worth while.

Town of Newchurch is capitalizing on the witch history, this store had a very eclectic mix of merchandise.
Couldn't resist buying some Monster Sours in the store!

This is supposedly the EYE OF GOD!! On the church in Newchurch.

This is rumored to be the the Grave of one of the Witches from the Nutter family. (the other famous Witch family was called Demdike!!)
This creepy face on the tomb is part of why people think it's a witches grave.

I had to get a picture of the wacky tour guide, check out the sweet comb over! I just wanted to whisper to him, 'who do you think you're fooling!'

Some Artsy Fartsy shots

Apparently when the Queen of England stood here she said it was the most beautiful view in England. It's pretty nice...I guess.

Our tour bus.

More Artsy Fartsy

I can't remember exactly what this was

Oh-la-la! How much is a room?

Malkin tower, rumoured to have something to do with the witches but unlikely.


This cat did look better when I first carved it but the heat of the candle made it all shriveled.

Grant's handy work.

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