Sunday, July 5, 2009

The South of France

So a couple months ago my lovely stepsister Trina invited us to join her and her husband Paul on their France trip for a weekend. They told us we could join them at the end of June when they were getting hooked up with comped accomodation at a vinyard in the south of france.
June 27th, 6AM, lets go!!
Here is a picture of Laura with John Lennon frozen in Carbonite.
More like queezyJet!

I was tired. I sometimes wish they could give me a general anesthetic when I fly and just wake me when I get there.

This was the lady sitting next to me. She was weird. She would look longingly out the plane window and then put her camera into my personal space and take pictures of herself. Check out her arm, she is doing it in this picture.
This is not England.
The Med
The Med with people

At this point we were on the train one hour later than when I thought it was going to be, so we were hoping that Trina and Paul will be there to pick us up as we had no way to contact them.

The Med is pretty.

And we arrive at our home for the next 24 hours.

Fully stocked bar. Too bad it will go to waste. I don't drink.
Here is Laura enjoying some of the wine from the vinyard we were staying on.

Trina hates having pics taken of her and uses stuff to block her face.

Lets get this party started.

I took this at long range, GOT CHA. Pics like this are more rare than pics of yeti.

It was just too nice there. Too nice.

This is the Chateau where the owner lives. I'm in the wrong business. Oh, and he only resides here for 3 months a year.

Those are two happy faces

And here is our little 4000 Square foot pad.

Here are some ruins on the hilltop above the vinyard. Paul and me had discussed climbing the rocky mound to investigate the ruins, but I think we both knew that wasn't going to happen as rock climbing and being wasted don't mix well.

Maaaaaan! Those french know how to cook!!

It's not what it looks like! Okay, it is what it looks like.

It would be rude not to.

I think he is trying to smoke it!

Oh, they have Scotch?

The plan was to go Caving, as we had spotted some caves earlier that day. Instead we wandered for what felt like miles around the vinyard in pitch black drinking wine over what seemed to be hours. We walked about 200m in actuality, but it still took us hours.

I got a bit tired and sat down for a rest

I woke up feeling awesome!

A Hammock too.

Wine tour time.

Hair of the Dog that bit me!

This is called a 'bunghole'...seriously
Elanor using the 'wine theif' to steal us a wee bit o wine!

The wine store

This guy seems to like coq's...

This is a wine preserving despenser. You put cash on a card and get however much of whichever wine you want.

We got to use the pool on Sunday. The little poolshack on the side of the pool had a fridge full of beer and soft drinks. Life sucks!


A few action shots.. that right wrist looks a little limp...

Bye France.
Stupid easyjet...delayed 2hours, got home at 3am!