Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hello Scotland! The beautiful city of Edinburgh. We toured the national gallery, the royal mile, the botanical gardens, the castle, the scotch whiskey experience and many shops!
Caught Heather with her mouth full!Delicious meal at the Mussel Inn, my favorite restaurant in Edinburgh.
The Botanical Gardens
This squirell had a rough night!
Mel Gibson?
View down the Royal mile
Edinburgh Castle
The Scotch Whiskey Experience
Learning how they make Scotch and tasting it!!

Our last morning, having breakfast at the B&B

The Lake District

So after a night of drinking and dancing, we opted for some beautiful scenery and fresh air in the Lake District. We stopped in Windermere for a few hours then headed up to Keswick for the night.

Our secluded hostel Walking along the lake into town
This Chippy has the best Fish n' Chips that I've ever had in Enlgand!

Apparantly, Hobbits used to live in this hostel...The waterfalls behind the hostel
Lord of the Rings...
The view from the hostel

Lake DerwentwaterThe Stone Circle at Castlerigg, oooooh, ahhhh, who put the stones there and why?

St. Paddy's Day!

Everyone had these hats, and I made it my mission to steal one, so after two failed attempts...success!!Starting the night off at the Cavern

Heading down Mathew Street to Flannagan's Apple
The guy taking this was obviously drunk
Heather dancing with some random guy
The classic Laura 'I love my drink' face
Enjoying a Cheeky Vimto at the JAC
Dancing it up at one of the many retro bars
It wouldn't be complete with out some McD's at the end of the night!

I have to tell this story, we met a very drunk loud girl in the McDonalds who was very vocal about the fact that she is a Lesbian, so she asks us where we're from and when we say Canada, she says, 'oh, Canada, there's a place in Canada that all the Lesbians go that I want to go to, it starts with an M...' and Heather says, 'Manitoba!?' as, I'm sure all Lesbians want to go there. I said, 'I think she means Montreal'