Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Edinburgh - what a beautiful city

Couldn't resist taking some last photos of this beautiful city we will miss so much!

We call these the 'Val Killers' because when Mom and Dad were visiting, we though these would kill my Mom with her Dodgy Knee

Goodbye Ness! My favourite store!

Edinburgh for the last time!

Visited our friends Sinead and Andrew.  These are their little twins, Gemma and Robert.  So adorable!!
Grant and Rhea Pigging out!!!  Ha ha! I didn't have any so I missed out, pig time!  Ha ha ha!
National Museum of Scotland

 We all get a little bored at museums sometimes...
Greyfriar's Bobby

One last beer at brew dog!!

Approaching the Mussel Inn for Grant's Birthday Dinner
Rhea found a boyfriend...
After dinner stroll

Past Scottish Parliament

Walking up the hill to Aurther's Seat

Very nice view of the Castle and the city

Birthday Ice cream Dessert!

Monday, April 30, 2012


Our last trip to Scotland!
Easter long weekend with Rhea, whom Grant has known since adolescence and who has been living in London for 7years!

Stop at Loch Lomond on the drive up to feed the ducks.  That's what Grant is doing in the bottom photo.

 Grant is stunned by the weird girl behind him walking in 1 shoe.

Very cute coastal town of Oban

Climbing to McCaig's Tower, had to check my pulse and make sure my heart rate was in the target zone.

 Caught some live music in an Irish Pub stumbling distance from the B&B!

 Took the ferry from Oban to Isle of Mull, not such a clear day unfortunately

 Not so sure why my hood is shaped like that.

 This is why Grant wanted to come here! The seafood capital of Scotland! MMMmmm!

 A not so flattering shot of me and Rhea enjoying our Mussels!